Tomorrow could be different
R = Proces G = Project B = Research
Wave forms Random Function TouchDesigner Audio PixelSorting Typographic Creative Coding CELLULAR AUTOMATA neither is without the other construction neither is without the other Transition of values Spotify streaming history I accept, but do not read Poster 2.0 Theoretical Research Visual Research Dummy Contact Concept

Cellular Automata (CA)

The idea of CA is to generate an array of states (pixels of an image) from another array of states using a specific function (a rule). The new array is called a next generation and is simply a next video frame. If you generate the frames constantly you will get an animation. A rule applies to every pixel of an image and usually depends on other pixels from a previous frame. The most popular CA rule is called Game of Life, a 2D binary array in which every pixels depends on its closest neighbours. In every frame and for every pixel you read its current state (0/1 or dead/alive), then count its alive neighbours (0-8) and due to the rule below you get a new state. Game of Life is just one of CA rules. CA can work with other range of states (ie. 256 values of gray) and in 1D arrays, 2D or 3D, or whatever you want. You can find some cool 3D examples in the web. It also doesn’t necessarily have to be squares.

Credits to graphic designer, and programmer KSAWERY KIRKLEWSKI for developing this Processing tool for generating images and videos based on Cellular Automata concept. Check out his website for more fascinating work.

Note: the code is open source, which means that you can use it freely with a proper credit.


The left square contains a preview of a current frame. Next, you find lists for Rules, Palettes, Images, Brushes, Generate functions and Settings. All of these are available under keyboard shortcuts. You move between parts by pressing 1-5 nums. Each option has a shortcut printed close to its name.


Test 1.0


Original image

Cellular Automata output

Test 2.0


Original image

Cellular Automata output

Test 3.0


Original starting point

Live test with music